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The majority of cataract surgeries performed in the U.S. are done with a local anesthetic and IV sedation.

The local anesthesia may be accomplished in one of two ways: either an injection of anesthetic around the eye or anesthetic eye drops placed...

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day and the “wearin’ of the green,” we thought it would be fun and fitting to share some interesting facts about green…eyes!


Green is the rarest eye color. If your sparklers are truly green, you are something of a...

Craig, CO

optometrist, eye doctor, Craig CO

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460 Pershing St.
Craig, CO 81625
Phone: (970) 824-3488 | Fax: (970) 824-8132

Monday 10:15am - 5:00pm
Tues. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat. - Sun. Closed

Steamboat Springs, CO

optometrist, eye doctor, Craig CO

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365 Anglers Drive, Suite A
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
Phone: (970) 879-2020 | Fax: (970) 879-4909

Monday 10:15am - 5:00pm
Tues - Thurs. 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat. - Sun. Closed